
The Best Christmas Gift Ideas

Last year my friend Johanna spent whole fortnight before Christmas rushing from one shop to another looking for perfect gifts for her family. When she finally got everything she wanted, she suddenly discovered she missed her kid’s school performance, as the girl had not told anyone about it seeing that her parents were always busy. Not a very pleasant incident to think of at the Christmas dinner, is it? Since time becomes especially precious on the December days, I have decided to compile a list of the best Christmas gift ideas that would have helped Johanna to attend her daughter’s finest hour last year. Read this compilation and spend more time with your dear ones instead of wandering in the overcrowded shopping malls.

Custom Photo Blanket

You can put your photos on a totally customizable fleece or woven photo blanket in almost any local print shop. Just call to make sure that the chosen one offers this service and drop your design there. Using software like Photo Collage Maker (available at you can combine images from your computer and Instagram account into one high quality collage with ornaments and clipart decorations.

Girl with a photo blanket

You can print your design in a local print shop

Family Tree Canvas

One of the best Christmas gift ideas for a family is to create a family tree collage. The above-mentioned Photo Collage Maker software has tools for cropping and enhancing images, so you can take a group photo and turn it into separate shots of different family members. By adding a Christmas greeting or a clipart, the final design may serve as a greeting card as well.

Best Christmas gift idea

Family tree canvas is a great gift idea for grandparents

Personalized Photo Puzzle

Need an ideal way to cherish, showcase and preserve memories? A photo puzzle is the thing you need! Choose a photo according to your taste and make sure that it has no visual defects like red eyes or overexposed areas. With Home Photo Studio that you can download here all problems like that can be easily solved. Besides, the software offers over a hundred artistic & editing filters and special effects that will turn your puzzle into a truly unique creative piece.

Photo puzzle gift idea

Children adore collecting puzzles with their parents

Photo Calendar Idea

Create a personalized Christmas calendar with photos and colorful month grids. You do not have to be a professional designer to deal with the task. Photo Calendar Creator (official website is packed with 150+ calendar design templates and 170+ background images and textures. A calendar is one of the best Christmas gift ideas, since it will remind the recipient of you until the next year comes with a new calendar design.

Photo calendar for 2017

You can include a photo collage right into your calendar page design

Video Greeting Card

Make a video greeting card by combining your pictures, best wishes & video footage in a slideshow with music and send it to your friend or family member who cannot attend your Christmas party or who leaves too far away to see you on holidays. SmartSHOW 3D photo and video editing piece covers all the steps of creating a video greeting card: it offers ready-made themes, a royalty-free music collection and a set of animation effects that are easy to apply and customize.

A video like that may become a magic fairy-tale to rewatch every next Christmas

All the best Christmas gift ideas have one feature in common – they require you to put your heart into what you are making. And dressing your Christmas gift design with bits of love, humour and good intentions is the key secret of a gift that will as they say “hit the mark”. Choose the idea that appeals to you most and start designing it right now, as Christmas is getting closer each day!

Diane is a passionate blogger and a stock photographer. She loves to spend her free time doing asanas and rereading Bradbury. Diane wishes there could be more hours in a day, especially when there’s so much to explore in the world.
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